Just some stuff I'm putting together in one place for safe-keeping and because it's proved useful to me in the past. I'm unsure if it's useful to anyone else. Not much here for you to see yet, but I'll try to add more and more resources as I see fit.
- DBrb: database access functionality written in Ruby, based on DBI that makes database work in Ruby (even) easier than it already is.
- Oracle data dictionary reference.
- Random musings (aka: stuff I keep forgetting)
- about character sets
- Java
- Unix
- jsxmlRPC: If you're feeling like an early adopter, you can have a look at a library I wrote in Javascript that lets you access XMLRPC webservices automatically just as though they were regular Javascript functions. For now I've called it jsxmlRPC for lack of a better name. Let me know if you think of one.
- I wrote little Javascript Editor that attaches to websites and has proved extremely useful in debugging Javascript, demostrating Javascript in talks and just trying stuff out. It's more or less just a bunch of textareas, an `eval` statement and a bookmarklet, but with polish...
- Writing an IP Address Information Webservice in Ruby: A tutorial I wrote about how to determine the country of origin of IP addresses, provide that information as a webservice and access that webservice using jsxmlRPC.
- I'm also starting to assemble my notes on the ISO 8583 standard for financial messages, in case you're interested in that sort of thing.
- Web 2.1 RC 1: This is not your older brother's Interweb! Some notes I've collected about Web 2.0 stuff.
- Some Statistics I gathered about the users of Crazy on Tap. Probably only of interest to the users themselves, based on a loose definition of "interest".
- Pictures! of the World Cup 2006 and of kickboxing
- Just a little experiment that you should ignore, because it's boring.
That is all for now. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.
Tim Becker (tim@kuriositaet.de)